Перевод схемы стимуляции ЭКО с английского
Девочки привет!
Мне прислали схему стимуляции на английском, может кто-то есть на сайте с медицинским образованием и владением английского?
И если у кого есть комментарии к схеме, можно ли такую схему при сниженном овариальном резерве и высоком ФСГ?
Буду очень благодарна если кто-то поможет
recommends to us up the Femoston
(till 28th day of cycle), wait for menstruation and directly begin with
It means, that the
stimulation begins in the 1st
day of menstrual cycle (MC). You will need 0,1 mg decapeptyl (for +- 14 days) and
some of these medicaments with FSH: Merional, Menopur (=Meropur), Fostimol,
Gonal or Puregon. You can choose any of them, they are all comparable and good,
some patients decide according to the price-ask in your country what is the
best option. During the sitmulation you will inject 300IU of FSH per a day (please count with +- 12-15 days with FSH).The decapeptyl is necessary to take from MC day 1, the FSH from MC day 2.
The necessary time for staying in "N" depends on what
do you prefer. Some people begin the stimulation in their country; their
gynecologists cooperate wit our center through phone or e-mail and in such case
you can come to "N" +- on day 12 of your menstrual cycle and stay until +- day
19-20 when usually the embryotransfer performed is.
Of course like more if the patients decide to stay in
"N " for whole procedure or at least from +- 5th day or
from ultrasound examination on day 8.
There is necessary to do
some examination during the stimulation:
examination on day 5 or 6(of menstrual cycle): blood examination for FSH, LH, E2, send us the results by e-mail
the second
examination on day 8. or 9 . blood
examination FSH, LH, E2 + ultrasound
foliculometry, send us the results please
on day 11
in the morning be in our clinic for ultrasound examination
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